Sheltering in place during a pandemic is far from ideal. Still, many in the Lightform community are using it as an opportunity to hone their creative skills and entertain their community. As we approach the year mark of COVID’s onset, we wanted to spotlight the inventive uses of Lightform. For some Lightform users, quarantining has allowed them to channel their spare time into creative exploration, using Lightform as an innovative source to entertain, educate, and connect with the outside world while social distancing. Here are just a few unique ways we have seen Lightform users creatively utilize projection mapping while sheltering in place.
Art Pieces
Last spring, Austrian artist Markus Dietrich collaborated with Vienna visual artist duo Meta Vis to create a projection-mapped art piece. Markus Dietrich, an artist from Vorarlberg, Austria, captured the mood during the pandemic’s first peak in his acrylic paintings. Months later, he came together with Meta Vis to realize an installation with a multi-layered canvas, composed of acrylic paint and projected light, using Lightform to capture and enhance each detail of the paintings.
Projection mapped artwork by Markus Dietrich and Meta Vis.
Lightform user Becker Schmitz has also been keeping busy during COVID with his art installations, developing his artistic approach of Entgrenzung using Lightform. Although there is no English translation for the German concept of Entgrenzung, the term essentially means “the delimitation of artistic discipline.” Becker’s artistic approach fuses Entgrenzung with painting in virtual and analog space, using the Lightform LF2 to illuminate pieces of his work, as seen in the polygonal structure below. As an artist focused on painting, he is continuously working on more projects for an exhibition while working as a lecturer at the University of Applied Arts Essen. Find more of Becker’s projection mapping work on his Instagram, @becker.schmitz.
Polygonal structure by Becker Schmitz.
Zoom Classes
Some of our users have been integrating Lightform into their live Zoom classes, illuminating their studios and gyms with projection mapping. For example, photographer and Zumba instructor Matt Amerndariz uses his Lightform to light up his Zumba signage for a Zoom backdrop. You can find more of Matt’s photography and Zumba classes on his Instagram, @mattarmendariz, or his website, www.mattarmendariz.com.
Matt Armendariz’s Zoom Zumba class
Livestream Performances
While some Lightform users have been integrating projection mapping with their art pieces, others have utilized Lightform for at-home performances and livestreams. Music artist Dolo Jones used his LFC to add projected visuals to his live performance of “Boxes” for Synthstrom’s first-ever Online Festival. Dolo shares, “[This] amazing piece of kit has kept me busy during lockdown! [It was] slightly tricky to film on a multi-camera setup during lockdown, but I tried my best! Hope you like it!”
Dolo Jones’ live performance of “Boxes.”
Similarly, Lightform user Chadewick Harris uses his LFC to enhance his livestreams’ visuals. Here’s a livestream event Chadewick took part in last December. “The panels used to create the projection surface were created by Cerebral Concepts. Great Lakes Flow (my organization) got together with Equilibrium Arts LLC, and That’s Our Friend! to create a digital G.E.T. Down for our communities. We were able to safely gather in groups to create this immersive experience. Thank you to Lightform for helping us light up the night!” shares Chadewick.
Digital G.E.T. Down.
Twitch Streams
Lightform has also been popularly used for Twitch streaming backgrounds. Danny Tumia, a world-record-holding video gamer & former competitive skateboarder, uses his Lightform LFC Kit to create eye-catching backgrounds on his Twitch channel, xSkelatorrr. His recording studio includes projections to animate iconic movie posters. Check out Danny’s gaming skills and his Lightform creations on Twitch.
Danny Tumia’s recording studio.
Homeschooling Sessions
Megan Wanderer is a fine art creator and avid Lightform user. During quarantine, she and her five-year-old niece approach homeschool art a little differently, integrating Lightform’s projection mapping into their art sessions. “All Lightform products are suited for both personal and professional use – that’s why I love them! It is an affordable introduction to projection mapping that is able to grow alongside your ideas and skills,” says Megan. You can find more of Megan’s work on her Instagram, @meganwanderer.
Five-year-old Jasey enjoying homeschool art.
Home Offices
As people have been adjusting to working from home, some Lightform users have creatively transformed their home offices into visually appealing working spaces. Lightform user Ben Stepan uses his LFC to light up and project geometric visuals to visually impact his office nook. His audio reactive projections give his set up an extra AR twist. Find more of Ben’s work on his YouTube channel, Stepout Visuals.
Ben Stepan’s office nook.
How Are You Using Lightform?
From livestreams to homeschooling, Lightform users have found creative ways to blend projection mapping into everyday quarantine routines. Here at Lightform, we are constantly inspired by the many ways Lightform users have used their devices to stimulate their creative pursuits. If you’ve found ways to integrate Lightform’s projection mapping into your routine that we haven’t mentioned above, let us know and comment below, or tag us in your next Lightform creation with #lightformcreations.
As of August 12th, 2022, Lightform is no longer in business and is no longer providing technical support for the product. Please refer to the Lightform Guide and FAQ for self-help resources.